Jib cranes, in a column or wall mounted version, with manual or electric rotation, can satisfy all handling needs when the range of action is limited, typically for work centres, machine tools and storage or loading areas. The standard range includes machines capable of moving up to 10,000 kg, with booms up to 10 m, depending on the load. These are available in various solutions:
Swivel column cranes, essential for the movement of goods in limited spaces, where speed, precision and ease of handling are demanded, either with manual rotation, or, for heavier goods, or more intense operations, with electric rotation.
Wall mounted cranes, if surface or structural constraints will not allow a self-supporting column crane.

Swivel column cranes, essential for the movement of goods in limited spaces, where speed, precision and ease of handling are demanded, either with manual rotation, or, for heavier goods, or more intense operations, with electric rotation.
Cantilever cranes, fixed to a wall, if surface or structural constraints will not allow a self-supporting column crane.